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Services We Offer:


Offering a wide range of patient services:

- Canalith Repositioning (CR)

- Stroke

- Dementia

- Ataxia

- neuritis

- multiple sclerosis 

- Epilepsy
- Neuromuscular Disorders

- Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease (IPD)

- Spinal Disorders
- Headache

- IntravenousIntra - Arterial Thrombolysis

- Vagus Nerve Stimulation ( Epilepsy)
- Video EEG

- Electromyography (EMG)

- Nerve and Muscle Disorders
- Adolescent Medicine

- Newborn Jaundice

- Measles Treatment
- Child Growth Management

- Congenital Disorders
- Genetic Disorders

- Autism

- Botox therapy in cerebral palsy

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